冰碛谷社区学院残疾服务中心(CDS)的使命是为需要我们服务的有残疾证明的学生提供服务. 我们的目的是确保残疾学生有平等的机会参加所有大学课程,并促进学生的独立性和自我宣传. To achieve this, 我们为其他合格的学生提供合理和适当的服务和住宿. We also provide support and education to all members of the college, so as to develop an environment of awareness and mutual respect.

To accomplish its mission, the Center for Disability Services will:

  • Work as a liaison for students with disabilities between faculty and staff.
  • 协调为残疾人士提供便利的过程.
  • 就个人、学业和职业问题向残疾学生提供建议和咨询.
  • Serve as a resource to faculty, staff, 和行政人员就《澳门网上真人赌博官网》和其他与残疾学生有关的合规问题进行沟通.

To connect with a CDS staff member, please send an email to disability.services@021muying.com or call (708) 974-5711. 我们提供电话、视频会议和预约上门服务. 请在您的电子邮件或语音信箱中提供您的姓名和电话号码,工作人员将尽快回复.



  1. Students must complete an Accommodation Request Form,提交证明文件,并安排与CDS工作人员的入学会议. If a student is unsure of what supporting documentation is acceptable, please see the “Documentation Guidelines” tab.
  2. 在学生提交了所有必要的材料并与工作人员会面后, CDS工作人员将审查共享的信息并确定可以批准的住宿.
  3. 然后,CDS与学生联系,确认他们的住宿,并提供住宿信.
  4. 然后,学生在CDS上注册,并可以在他们准备好时开始使用住宿.



适当的文件可以采取多种形式,如果学生有任何问题,他们应该联系CDS的工作人员.  文件的一些例子包括评估、报告、表格或信件 completed by qualified professionals

Qualified professionals could be doctors, therapists, 评估人员或其他有执照的医疗保健提供者,他们有诊断或治疗疾病或残疾的经验.  Information from a previous school (for example an IEP, 504 plan, 或其他院校的住宿通知书)也可以帮助CDS作出决定.

In general, documentation should include:

  • A statement of the diagnosed disability or disabilities
  • 在学术环境中描述残疾对功能的影响(包括药物副作用,如果适用)
  • Whether the disability is permanent or temporary
  • Any recommendations for accommodations at MVCC
  • The signature and credentials of the qualified professional

Students can submit documentation in person, by mail or email. Documentation can also be faxed to 708-974-8711.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
“在美国,任何符合其他条件的残疾人都不得, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中受到歧视.”

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
“Subject to the provisions of this title, no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, program, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by such an entity.”

冰碛谷社区学院致力于《澳门网上真人赌博官网》和《澳门网上真人赌博官网》第504节的精神和文字. We acknowledge the responsibility of all staff, faculty, and students to adhere to the philosophy of equal access to opportunity.

Definition of Disability
法律将残疾人定义为身体或精神受损,严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的人. 该定义进一步表明,你是一个“残疾人”,如果你有残疾,你有权受到保护,不受歧视, if you have a history of a disability, or if you are regarded as having a disability.

“在其他方面合格”的残疾人定义为使用辅助设备(如.g., tape recorder, text-on-tape, note-taker) or reasonable accommodation (e.g., test proctoring, extended time for testing, 手语翻译)可以满足一个机构可以证明其教育计划必不可少的学术要求.


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